party time — Love & Rum — Love & Rum

party time

Mercado 23: Cancun, iPhone Incognito

Over the weekend we hit up a little market in Cancun called Mercdo 23. It's gritty, it's local, it's cheap and it's fun. Sure, there are better and bigger local markets in the cities and towns around, but this one still has a great feel. There is local music playing everywhere, butchers chopping up chickens and pigs out in the open while locals line up to get the fresh meat. Party supply stores, florists, taco stands and voodoo vendors.

That's right. Voodoo. Several shops sell various potions, candles, dolls and woods for practicing voodoo.

We bought a bunch of firecrackers, papel picado for our wedding and put back a few tacos. All very cheap. These photos were all shot with my iPhone as quick as I could, because sometimes you just feel a little too out of place holding up a camera in a tiny local market while locals wonder, "What could this townie possibly be taking pictures of in our market?"

So anyhow, if you're in Cancun and looking for a more authentic experience than the hotel district offers (basically a Mexican Miami), head to Mercado 23 and grab lunch for two at a total of $50 pesos (give or take $4usd).

Here's a song to get you in the mood for the sounds of a local market.

Manboys in the Park

Press play above, and feel free to ignore the rest of this writing:

Old friend, Robjn Taylor, who I've also known for a long time, just finished this edit of from up in the park on Blackcomb this January. It's titled Shakespeare in the Park and features some vintage Manboys from the Crapneto days shredding in non-vintage form. There are whirly birds with several go-arounds, rail bonks, back (and probably front!) side boardslides, Shakespeare, a spoon and more!


Robjn Taylor
Andre Benoit
Mark Sollors
Geoff Brown

Also Looking Good

Matt Belzile
Logan Haubrich
Jeremy Lafrance
Matt Sedunary
Jesse Millen
Ryan Tiene

Better Looking Than The Above

Jaime Kerrigan