do it! — Love & Rum — Love & Rum

do it!

I Stole It: 33 Ways to Stay Creative

​I was Stumbling (my Stumbler page) around the Internet and saw this on some web page, who had stolen it from some other web page that probably stole it from this Tumblr page. But none of that matters, because now you're here and it's mine!

​33 Ways to Stay Creative

Aside from a whole lot of content recycling, the Internet​ is a good place to find motivation, even when said motivation says to get off the Internet. This thing looks like it belongs on some over-sharing Pinterest account as the user skims it, pins it and moves on. Take a second though, read it and maybe jot down the items that might actually help you. Sometimes I find myself working so much that my job is just to get a job done so I can move on to the next job that needs to get done.

#2 — Carry a Notebook

I used to never leave home without one. Now a flask is in that back pocket. Might reconsider.​

#8 — Sing in the Shower

Aside from the other day when I butchered this one, hung over in the shower, I don't. However! Thinking in the shower is a good one. Some kinda science actually states that the sound of the shower actually ​mimics white noise which, "can aid concentration by blocking out irritating or distracting noises in a person’s environment.” (White Noise Wiki).

#19 — Go Somewhere New

I'm backing this one. We're actually somewhere entirely new as of writing this. We jumped a plane from Playa to Mexico City on a whim. Had some drinks, booked a flight. You know how that goes. Now that we're here and walking around, exploring in a new city, the new environment has made the two of us feel pretty damned good. We love the city, the people, the food and the neighbourhood we're in. All of the sights made us want to be more active in writing about all the places we travel, the things we get up to and all the people we meet along the way.

#23 — Take Risks & #24​ — Do More of What Makes You Happy

These two kind of go together and should be done whenever you feel like you're sitting too comfortably. Moving on!​

#33 — Finish Something

Like for example: This post.