Lifetime Collective: Uniform Standard Spring 2013 Collection

​Some kind of wonderful shot, taken from Lifetime Collective's Uniform Standard Spring 2013 collection film.

Winter may still be lingering around a bit, but before you know it you're going to wake up to the clanking sounds of bottles around you in bed and the birds chirping outdoors, because that's how they do. Also, it's spring!

Lifetime Collective just dropped all three of their spring collections for 2013 last week and things are looking real fine. Nothing you can put on will make you look as amazing as the gentleman featured above, but the pieces in Lifetime's Uniform Standard will damned sure get you close. (To note: None of Lifetime's stuff is vintage 70s coke-chic.)

Check out the full collection here to give your wardrobe a facelift, or check out some of my favourites that I picked out below...​

I often see bloggers including things like, "Full disclosure, I work for Brand X" in their posts. Well, I'll disclose all day long if I have to. Just watch me. I work with Lifetime Collective and they're what you call "True Blue", a real fine group of gents.

So get with the program and head to the Uniform Standard shop by clicking here.

"How about some lookbook photos?" you ask. I have those too!